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I recently participated in a 18-week Digital Marketing bootcamp at the University of Texas. Below are three projects for a local business, Grazeology, that I developed throughout the course.

Grazeology – Content Strategy

Grazeology is a local Austin business that sells extravagant grazing platters and delivers them directly to consumers. This project was part of a content strategy assignment to analyze a local business’s content and address what it needs to expand to a national level.

Objective: Comprehensively audit a local business’s content marketing and analyze it for content gaps. Identify relevant content opportunities that support campaign objectives. Utilize The Hoth Keyword and Content Gap Analysis tools to analyze your client’s, and the competition’s, content.

Grazeology – Paid Search Advertising & Analytics

For local businesses, being discovered in search results can be crucial to survival. Piggy backing off of the first project, this assignment focused on developing keyword strategies and ad text to help search engine users answer queries and discover the business.

Objective: Prepare a keyword strategy by evaluating keywords and determining which work best in a given situation. Create search ad text using best practices for headlines, URLs, descriptions, and landing page suggestions. Design a structure for a Google Ads campaign to organize information in ways that target effectively, are cost efficient, and can be easily optimized and evaluated.

Grazeology – Campaign & Creative Brief

Working closely with Grazeology, this assignment was focused on developing guidelines for the ad creative, drafting a brief detailing all necessary campaign parameters, analyzing performance, and making recommendations for how to optimize that performance.

Objective: Develop a creative brief that includes the brand considerations and technical specifications a design team needs to produce your ads. Recommend a campaign goal and bidding strategy based on your business’s objective. Draft a campaign brief with audience and placement parameters that align with your business and objective. 

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